Monday, October 5, 2009


Let's create a new world where war will belong to the distant past and our instruments of war forever turned to plow shed.

Let's create a new world where we can all be free to breathe the free air of freedom and be free to become all the great glorious things that God has destined us to be.

Let's create a new world where we can reach out as true sons of God that we are and touch billions of lives with the great life we have been blessed with. For that is the greatest achievement we can ever achieve in this world and in the world to come.

Let's create a new world where we can become an instruments of glory in the hands of God and a catalyst of glorious change to the Human race.

Let's create a new world where we can all work together and make the world a better place for all of us and where every inhabitants of the face of the Earth can proudly call home.

Let's create a new world where we can rise above envy, hate, jealousy and learn to see each other as partners in progress. For together we can make great things happen

Let's create a new world where the great life we live will be worthy of emulation throughout all generations, where we will become too great and too valuable for the world to ignore. Where our great name will be forever written with gold in the hearts of men and in the golden pages of Heaven.

Let's create a new world where tears will be replaced with laughter, sadness with untold joy, hatred with love, pain with gain and where the lost ones and the less privileged will be sought out like a lost diamond and unparallel joy and blessings brought to their sacred lives.

Let's create a new world where the children and the youths of the world will be told the immense potential and greatness which they carry, guided along the path of incredible greatness and their light and greatness shine throughout the whole universe.

Let's create a new world where people of all ages, of all races, of all social status, of all tongues and of all beliefs will see themselves as brothers and sisters, as partners in progress.

And finally embrace each other in the spirit of One Love and see themselves as not only great valuable citizens of the world but also as true candidates of Heaven.

Let's create a new world!


Copyright © 2008 by Francis Titus King. All rights reserved!

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