Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronavirus : Message Of Hope To The World

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


In a divine revelation
A glorious land
Appeared to me
   In my dream
When my gentle soul
Made a celestial travel
   To the second Heaven
And Lo! Behold
I saw it all
In all its glory
In all its splendor
In all its beauty
   Radiating the beautiful colours of rainbow
It stood greatly
In the heart of space
   Looking majestically like no other
Then I heard an Angelic voice
Filtering through the air
Revealing the secrets
Of this celestial being to me
Saying in an Heavenly tone
That this wonderful land
Before my very eyes
 Is a land where Heaven
   Is not very far
Where Paradise
   Is so near
Where fantasies
   Are made real
And where dreams
   Always comes true
A land where love
   Reigns supreme
Where world Unity, Progress
And Peaceful Co-existence
   Is a first priority
Where championing
The cause of the Human race
In all its ramification
   Is a self – imposed obligation to humanity
Where Great men
Pool resources together
Collectively dreaming a single dream
A single vision
Of making the world
   A better place for the sake of mankind
Better and greater
Than the way
   They met it
The land of great minds
Land of positive minds
Land of bright minds
   With great ideas
Seeing the brightest side
Of the darkest side
Seeing the new dawn
   Of a new beginning
Looking into the future
With a great hope
With great confidence
With the mentality of abundance
   Of global peace
   Of global unity
   Of global co-existence
   Of global brotherhood
    And of greater and better things to come
This is the land
That is taking giant strides
Like a giant
   Into the turn of the centuries
A land that is ahead
   Of the times
Certainly not of this times
   But living well into the future
The land
Where playing with the future
   Is an hobby
Peeping into life ahead
   Is a past time 
Projecting into the future
   Is an habit
And seeing tomorrow
   Is a common phenomenon
The land
Where living for today
   Is not their priority
But living for the future
Is their number one pre – occupation
‘Cause they are all
People of the future
   Only living today
A place where people
Don’t live for yesterday
But live for the future
   ‘Cause it is from thence they came
The land of great  hope , of high aspirations
Of great dreams , of fulfilled dreams
The land of equalities
Land of opportunities
   Land of breakthroughs
The land of utilized opportunities
   Of developed talents
   Of unwasted resources
   Of careful   planning
And  of effective implementations of dream projects
The land blessed with people with Lion hearts
 Where confidence and self-belief
Is a vital, major common ingredient
   In the making of a man
The land where people from birth
Have learnt to believe in themselves
Like the American President
Where they have learnt
To dream great dreams
Like the great one
Where they have learnt
To blaze trails
Where they have learnt
To make wonderful discoveries
 Like the wonderful discoverer 
He that discovered AMERICA
Where they have learnt
To make great inventions
Like the greatest inventor
Where they have learnt
To never give up
Until victory is celebrated
Like he that never gave up
And have also learnt
To be great leaders
 Just like the greatest leader
The land leading the way
   Jetting through space
The land where mental prowess
   Is known to exist
Where physical dexterity
  Is obvious for everyone to see
And where artistic artistry
    Is displayed with artistic alacrity
The dreamland
Where all the M.J’s
The Michael Jackson’s
The Michael Jordan’s
The Magic Johnson’s
The Michael Johnson’s
   And other great American citizens
Have taken the American Dream
To another higher magical level
The land where the Bill Gate’s, Henry Ford’s, Oprah Winfrey’s
And other of their kind
Have touched millions of lives
With their benevolent heart
Telling us that it is far better
   To be a blessing than a curse to mankind
The land where the world
Will   forever be grateful
For the likes of 
For having lived
For they light up the world
  With their magic
And made the world
  A better place to live in
Better and greater
   Than they met it
Thereby leaving behind a legacy
A legacy of greatness
For generations yet unborn
  To benefit from
The land where kings
   Are crowned
Where Heroes
  Are welcomed
Where creativity
  Are encouraged
And where exploits
  Are rewarded
The land of intellectuals
Land of people filled with wisdom
The land of legendary figures
The land of Heroes
The land of Heroines
    The land of great men and women
The land called GOD’S OWN COUNTRY

                      - FRANCIS TITUS KING

          Copyright © 2008 by Francis Titus King. All rights reserved.

NB :This great extraordinary, exceptional, unique inspirational poem is from the except of my book published my AMAZON.COM which can be found at .

The poem is also duly copyrighted by me since 2008 and protected by all relevant laws.


With you we know there is great hope for the blacks
With you the voiceless shall be heard
With you the weak shall become strong
With you the whites shall readily identify and truly recognise equality
With you there shall be great opportunity for all
To be blessed and become all that they are destined to be
With you the whites, blacks
People of all ages, all races
All languages, all religion
And people of the world
Shall come together as one
And fulfill our common glorious destiny that is attached to mankind
With you the wind of change shall continue to blow
With you we see a world of Hope
A world of Peace
A world of Liberty
A world where our children will be appreciated
Where the youths will be greatly encouraged
And empowered to realize their full potentials
A world where there shall be economic revival across the globe
A world where even the hopeless shall receive hope
You can always count on us For we shall stand solidly by your side
Like the pillar that holds the Earth together
We shall support you with all we’ve got
As if our very existence depends on it
On our knees we shall lay
We shall keep knocking on Heavens door
All day and all night long
Till God answers your prayers And our collective prayers
And Heaven too will set its machinery in motion
To fulfill your great dreams for America and for the worldAnd with you the wind of positive change shall blow across the globe
Like never witnessed before in History
For what lays ahead of us is far much more glorious
Than what we can ever behold
   … The Hero of Change Has Come!                                              
                - FRANCIS TITUS KING                
To contact

         Please visit                 Also   

Barack Obama-AAG-007706.jpgBarack Obama-EKP-002367.jpgBarack Obama, Joe Biden-AAG-007731.jpgOprah Winfrey-KMY-000733.jpg

Tel: +2348068442558 Website:


I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.

We just made history.

And I don't want you to forget how we did it.

You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.

I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.

We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.

But I want to be very clear about one thing...

All of this happened because of you.

Thank you,



Heaven has bless our mission

   The world support our vision

With current and former heads of state

We all stand together as one

   To work for the benefit of the Human race

The youths of the world

   We empower in more ways than one

Climate change we tackle

   In order to save the world our home

The children

   We reach out with love to provide a greater tomorrow

Today we reach out to the world

   Impacting many lives positively

And our positive impact in the world

   Shall reach far beyond tomorrow

Global issues that are dear to God and man

We have promised to take action to solve

   Backed by God and all those that have the love of humanity at heart

An agent of change for the world

   We have set to become


   …Transforming lives positively is our calling.

                           Clinton Foundation



Thank you so very much for your message on my 66th birthday. Hearing from you made a special day even more memorable.

Seeing support from all over the world makes me confident that we really can accomplish anything. Together, we've made a remarkable difference in the lives of millions, and I can't wait to see what impact we can make in the coming years.

Your support makes our programs possible, but it also affirms my belief that we can and will find solutions to the challenges facing our world. I am incredibly grateful for everything that you do.

Thank you again for standing with me and for making my 66th birthday truly special.


Bill Clinton


I couldn't let this holiday season pass by without taking the time to thank you for all the wonderful support you've given me. I've received so many kind messages in the last few weeks, and I can't tell you how much your friendship means to me.

As I celebrate the holidays with my family, I'll be thinking about all our wonderful memories from the past year. I hope you'll take the time to remember all the things we accomplished together and all the lives we touched.

I know that I am forever changed because of the journey you and I shared. It goes without saying that we have a lot to look forward to in the coming year. Even in the midst of great challenges at home and around the world, we know change is coming and there is reason to have hope for a brighter future.

Thank you so much for everything!


        …Dedicated to Nelson Mandela , one of the World’s Greatest men !

An Icon of possibilities
A Hero of peace A Pillar of strength
A great Hope to many
You’ve inspired millions across the globe
To do great things
With the great life they have been blessed with
And achieve great things
That are Uncommon to men The Whites and the Blacks
Still love you
Children of the world adore you
The Youth’s identify with you You are too great for mankind to ignore
The world is indeed very blessed
That a Great man like you was born
Giant strides you’ve taken
Too many positive things you’ve done
Thanks for your concern for the world And thanks for the invaluable contributions
You’ve made to the Human race
Madiba "The Great Nelson Mandela" Your great name will never be forgotten
For it is already
Blessed in Heaven and on Earth
And it will always be fondly remembered
Even in eternity.

Copyright © 2008 by Francis Titus King. All rights reserved.

Dear Mr King,

We acknowledge with gratitude receipt of your letter.
Mr Mandela has asked that we convey his thanks to you for your letter that you sent to him. The time and trouble you took to send your letter is greatly appreciated. 

Mr Mandela draws the strength to continue promoting peace, justice and stability from such letters of support.

Mr Mandela has asked that we convey his best wishes to you and wish you every success with your endeavours.
Yours Sincerely,

John SamuelChief Executive


The most humblest conditions

   She was born

The most staggering odds

   She faced

Child abuse, rape and other destiny threatening vices

   She faced all

Like a phoenix

She rose to conquer all

   And be warmly embraced by the people of the world

With the love of the people of the world

And the love of humanity

   Her heart beats

The Angel Network

   Her means of positively affecting the lives of the underprivileged

The Oprah Winfrey Show

   Her very point of contact to positively touch the world

Heaven has truly blessed her

   That there is no need to count all her blessings

Her positive influence in the affairs of the world

   We shall always feel

Her positive contributions to Humanity

   We shall always see

We know that amongst millions of women

   She is indeed blessed

We thank heaven

   For sending her to the world

We thank the creator of the universe

   For her belonging to the human race

And we thank God for creating her

For giving us a great one

   And a special Angel as this
                         - FRANCIS TITUS KING

Website :


25 billion dollars set out to touch the world

   Rarely done in the human race

We are driven by the love for the human race

   And the believe that we all deserve to live a better life

Wealth is surely of no use to us

   If we can’t use it to bless the world

The millennium Goal

  We’ve pledged to support till it becomes a glorious reality

Poverty we will try to erase

From as many lives as possible

   For them to enjoy the joyous gift of a great life

Polio we will fight with our all

For it not to cripple the children of the world

   The foundation of our future

The youths we will also embrace

   To realize their dreams

Our heart truly goes out to the people of all ages, of all races

Our heart beats for the world

   For the universal truth is we can’t all be separated from the human race

Great deeds indeed make great men

At Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

We have decided to encourage

  The voice of hope over despair

   Victory over defeat

   Faith over fear

   Joy over agony

   Wealth over poverty

      And health over sickness

At Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

We have a vision for the world

   A vision to touch the world with love

And a mission to touch the human race positively


…Reaching out to touch the world in legendary proportions!

                                                              - FRANCIS TITUS KING

Dear Mr. King,

Thank you for taking the time to write to Mr. Gates and express your support for the work of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
We appreciate you sharing your information with the foundation.

Again, many thanks for writing and best wishes for the future.


Stephanie Jones



Thanks for sending a message to world leaders about the importance of education for all.

World leaders will be gathering in Johannesburg at the end of the World Cup to discuss global education.
 Thanks to your help we'll let them know the real goal is a quality education for every child around the world.

Thanks for your support,

The 1GOAL team


Children of the world
Heroes of tomorrow
Legends of the future
    Great ones that are destined to take mankind to another level
In them you see a great gift to the world
In them you see the very wonders of creation
In them you see so much greatness
    That will shake the world
They are born to make history
    And change the cause of the Human race in their own time
They are great blessings to us
For they are Angels from Heaven
    On a mission to do great works on Earth
We must all rally around them
To make them grow not only to their full potentials
    But to also become giants amongst men
                       -FRANCIS TITUS KING 

      Copyright © 2010 by Francis Titus King. All rights reserved.              

                  DEE EVERGREEN WORLD
...Together lets make the world a better place!

Dear Mr. King,

Many thanks for your mail and kind words. I will be sure to pass the message on.
Best wishes
Risha Chande


Let's create a new world where war will belong to the distant past and our instruments of war forever turned to plow shed.

Let's create a new world where we can all be free to breathe the free air of freedom and be free to become all the great glorious things that God has destined us to be.

Let's create a new world where we can reach out as true sons of God that we are and touch billions of lives with the great life we have been blessed with. For that is the greatest achievement we can ever achieve in this world and in the world to come. 

Let's create a new world where we can become an instruments of glory in the hands of God and a catalyst of glorious change to the Human race.
Let's create a new world where we can all work together and make the world a better place for all of us and where every inhabitants of the face of the Earth can proudly call home.
Let's create a new world where we can rise above envy, hate, jealousy and learn to see each other as partners in progress. For together we can make great things happen.

Let's create a new world where the great life we live will be worthy of emulation throughout all generations, where we will become too great and too valuable for the world to ignore. Where our great name will be forever written with gold in the hearts of men and in the golden pages of Heaven.

Let's create a new world where tears will be replaced with laughter, sadness with untold joy, hatred with love, pain with gain and where the lost ones and the less privileged will be sought out like a lost diamond and unparallel joy and blessings brought to their sacred lives.

Let's create a new world where the children and the youths of the world will be told the immense potential and greatness which they carry, guided along the path of incredible greatness and their light and greatness shine throughout the whole universe.
Let's create a new world where people of all ages, of all races, of all social status, of all tongues and of all beliefs will see themselves as brothers and sisters, as partners in progress. 

And finally embrace each other in the spirit of One Love and see themselves as not only great valuable citizens of the world but also as true candidates of Heaven.

Let's create a new world!

                       - FRANCIS TITUS KING

-->                               THE GREAT ONES 
They reach out to touch lives  
  For in their heart lies the love of Humanity
They are sent to mankind  
   And born to touch lives positively
They give the very best of themselves  
   For a better world
And they work for the progress of people   
   And progress of Nations
They are born to inspire the present generation  
   And even generations to come
They are born for as reason
Chosen for a purpose  
   And see with the eyes of God
They look beyond time
   And indeed it is time that can really tell of their greatness
Even after they’ve long gone
The world still misses them  
   For in their heart lies the love of the Human race
They always leave their footprints in time  
   And leave behind legacies of unforgettable greatness
They are immortalize in time
They walk the path of immortality  
   For they are God’s very special own
They are destined to be a blessing to the Human race  
   And a joy unto many generations
And they will surely be honoured
Not only in this wonderful world  
   But also in the greater world to come! 
                          -FRANCIS TITUS KING

Copyright © 2010 by Francis Titus King. All rights reserved.              
                      DEE EVERGREEN WORLD
...Together lets make the world a better place! 

My Dear Beloved,
I may be gone in time  
   But my words shall live after me
Don’t judge a man by his appearance  
   For the content of a gift is its true value
Don’t write off any man or see him as a nonentity  
   For in every man you see lies treasures of great value
Judge no man  
   But in everything you do let God be the judge
Keep your mind on great things and on eternal things  
   And you’ll learn to see life in its true perspective
Don’t condemn a man because of the colour of his skin  
   For the creature of the universe created us in varieties to beautify the world
Reach out and touch lives positively  
   For this is one of the greatest purposes of living
Always commit your ways unto God and endeavour to use your time productively
   For these are the foundations on which true greatness are built
Always do and give your best at all times  
  For in giving your best you discover even greater things about yourself
Don’t just do things that will last for just a moment  
   But do things that will last for even more than a lifetime
Don’t be afraid of criticism
For at times God use your critics to show you your weaknesses  
   So that you can build your weaknesses and turn them to strength
Try to make God your best friend  
   For He is the greatest friend you can ever have
All that you want to be, you can be it in God   
   For this is one of the greatest secrets of existence
To God  
   Be an instrument of glory
To mankind  
   Be a blessing
And to the world  
   Be an asset
In the house of the Lord  
   Be a pillar
To children
Show them love and care  
   For like flowers they need love to grow
And to all men rich or poor, great or small  
   Give respect
When you come across somebody with a great potential
Don’t see him as a threat  
   But see it as an opportunity to learn from a great man with a great mind
Also know that there is no limit to whatever you can achieve  
   For even the impossible is achievable
Don’t try to follow the beaten path  
   Instead chart a new course and carve out a great name for yourself
And try to live a very memorable life
That even when you’ve gone  
   The impact of your existence will still be felt by the entire Human race!
                                         -FRANCIS TITUS KING

             Copyright © 2006 by Francis Titus King. All rights reserved!

We must show concern for the name we’ve been blessed with
   For our great name shall be recognized in Heaven and on Earth
We must show concern for the life we live
   For the kind of life we live must be of the highest quality and of the highest standards
We must show concern for the world
   For that is the humble home of we the Human race
We must show concern for our future
   For our future shall be far greater than our today
We must show concern for the youths
  For the youths are blessed with the enormous potentials to also make positive contributions to the world
We must show concern for the children of the world
   For children are God’s very precious gifts to our lives
We must show concern for the future generations
   For we have been sent ahead of them to pave the way and make the world a far greater and better place for their sake
We must show concern for crisis in the Middle East, the Niger Delta region and other parts of the world
For we must find a speedy lasting solutions that are mutually beneficial to all
   And allow Peace and Progress to reign in every parts of the world
We must show concern for climate change
   For we must leave the legacy of a more productive, safer, cleaner and better world for our children and the future generations
And we must show concern for God
   For He has already blessed us from the very point of creation

                                      -FRANCIS TITUS KING

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-->GREAT QUEEN RANIA OF JORDAN

 … Dedicated to Queen Rania of Jordan

From birth she was chosen
   A great Queen she became
From the Middle East she was called
   To champion one of the noblest cause of the human race
Children of the world her great joy
   Education for all her passion
1GOAL: Education for all initiative 
   Her vehicle for change and transformation
Provide quality education for over 75 million children of the world
   Her humble dream
Favours of God and man
   She shall greatly enjoy
With support from world leaders, Fifa, politicians, musicians, footballers,
All of us
And the love of God Almighty
   She shall greatly attain
History will be kind to her
   Generations to come shall hear of her greatness
And even the Human race shall be blessed
That a great Queen
   As Queen Rania was born

                           -FRANCIS TITUS KING

             Copyright © 2006 by Francis Titus King. All rights reserved!




Peace is the forerunner of progress. We must seek for peace and pursue peace with all men.

It is written, where there is no peace there can be no meaningful progress and impact in the lives of men.

The Niger Delta crisis is not only a national issue but a global phenomenon that has truly attracted world attention which seriously requires urgent attention and deserves speedy solution.

 I now use this golden opportunity to call on the United Nations, the International Community and all those that have the love of God at heart to work for the total restoration of peace and progress in the Niger Delta region and in every parts of the world where  peace is seriously needed.

I strongly believe that the Federal and states government in the Niger Delta region must make the massive development and progress of the Niger Delta region a thing of utmost priority and paramount importance.

Nothing should be spared in making sure that the Niger Delta region enjoy speedy rapid development in all areas.

In the noble discharge of this great duty to mankind and the  Niger Delta region the Federal government, heads of militants, elders of the Niger  Delta region and all stakeholders should come together in a round table conference in the spirit of harmony, where productive dialogue will be engaged, solutions will be proffered, where ways of resolving the Niger Delta crisis once and for all will be unearthed and where great ideas of moving the Niger Delta region forward will be suggested and implemented immediately without any further delay for the sake of peace and for the benefit of all.

I strongly believe that in the nearest future the Niger Delta region will become a place of peace where peace will overflow like a river, where human dignity will be restored, where peace and progress will be embraced by all, where the song of joy will be a great song in the lips of all, where true justice will prevail, where development will be visible for all to see, where the youths will be gainfully employed and productively engaged to fulfill their great glorious dreams, where all will be free as free sons and daughters of God to benefit from the wealth of the land and where finally the Niger Delta region will become a place of pride and joy not only to the great people of the Niger Delta region but also to the people of the world.

May God continue to bless all of us as we all work collectively together to the realization of this great dream to the immense benefit the human race.

God bless all of us Amen.
                                                            - Francis Titus King   

…Dedicated to the youths of the world!

You’ve been blessed from above
With too much greatness and abilities
Waiting to explode
The world needs you
More than you know
Heaven value your Presence
More than you think possible
You’ve been endowed with uncanny abilities
To also make positive contributions to the world
Let your creative genius come alive
And let it give birth to so many countless creative works
That shall advance the cause of Mankind
You are an unusual being
Blessed with the genes to excel beyond limits
The brain
To think of extraordinary solutions
The special abilities
To do the incredible
And the unique gift
To become a blessing to the World
Your tomorrow is far greater than your today
Your future too glorious than imagine
The Youths of the World
The Pride of Today
The Hope of Tomorrow
The Joy of all Generations
Let the Giant in you be awakened
And let your positive contributions to Humanity
… Be felt throughout all Generations!



… Dedicated to the African children worldwide!
We were once like them
We grew up to become giants
And legends in our own field
But what about them?
What about the African child?
What about our African children?
We must stand by their side
Like a true friend
We must give hope to the hopeless
For with hope they can make it
We must give them love
For our love will bring out the greatness and the best in them
We must reach out and touch their lives positively
For that is one of the greatest reasons for which we came
We must rise up to support and empower them in every way we can
For with this power their rise to greatness can be accelerated
She must become a heroine
He must become a Hero
The African child
The Pride of Africa
We must give them a voice
To become not only all they are supposed to be
But to also fulfill their great destinies!
Copyright © 2008 by Francis Titus King. All rights reserved!